Thursday, June 6, 2013


This past weekend was the Dress U Conference held in Frazer, PA. I didn't make anything new for the event (money and motivation being the main issues). But I did manage to get a photo or two of outfits I have made while having this blog!

The first is of my 18th century polonaise. I wore it to the Friday Welcome Reception. It was very comfortable considering we were outside, and it was fairly humid and probably in the high 80s. Had I been wearing anything to constricting and I may well have fainted in horror at SewLoud, who clearly did not get the dress 18th century memo.
Thanks to In The Long Run for the photo!

This second photo is of my robe a la francaise. It came from my own camera, so who knows who actually took the photo. Alas, it wasn't on the proper setting for such an oddly illuminated area. But you can see it's on me, and glory in my massive wig of poof.

(you can also find the bathrooms!)


  1. OMG! You are so inspiring! This dress is amazing. It seems like you like all the same time periods that I do. I"m a beginner, never had sewing lessons.

    1. Thank you so much! I love trying new time periods. There have been some that I swore up and down that I would never try, but when I do I love them (others not so much, but at least I tried!).

      I've never had lessons either. Lucky for me so many share tips and videos online!

  2. OMG! You are so inspiring! This dress is amazing. It seems like you like all the same time periods that I do. I"m a beginner, never had sewing lessons.
